
Бушмакина Ольга Николаевна, зав. кафедрой философии УдГУ, доктор философских наук, профессор.

Bushmakina Olga Nikolaevna, Head of Department of Philosophy, Udmurt State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.

Phone: +73412916021


The chief of the philosophical school of "Social Ontology in the constructive-hermeneutic perspective".

She graduated from the Physics and Mathematics of the Udmurt State University in 1980 with a degree "physicist, teacher".

In 1980-1981 she had an internship at the Department of the dialectical materialism of the Department of Philosophy of the Ural State University.

Since 1983 - Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy UdSU.

Since 1985, began conducting theoretical philosophical seminars.

In 1987 she entered in graduate school at the Department of Philosophy UdSU (supervisor - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Petrakov).

From 1987 to 1992 O.N. Bushmakina formed a research method which connects constructivism and hermeneutic with framework of holistic approach of concretized subject-object identity, allowing the constitution of self-determined sense of philosophical discourse in the constructs of language.

In 1994 she defended her PhD thesis on the council for the defense of doctoral theses USU. Thesis: "Language and being: problems of structuring", specialty 09.00.01 - ontology and epistemology.

Since 1996 the department of philosophy UdSU opened postgraduate specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

In 1996 was published textbook on the philosophy of "Philosophy: the experience of self-determination." (with co-authored)

Since 1998, O.N. Bushmakina began conducting regular theoretical seminars for graduate students.

In 1998 under the direction of O.N. Bushmakina was successfully defended his first graduate student (in Moscow).

In 1998 was published the monograph "Ontology of postmodern thinking (metaphor of postmodern )."

In 1999 she defended his doctoral thesis in the council for the defense of doctoral theses at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Theme of doctoral dissertation: "Ontology of postmodern thinking", specialty 09.00.01 - ontology and epistemology.

Since 2003 was formed regular theoretical seminar «Proxima» for the scientific direction of the philosophical school.

In 2003 was published the textbook "The philosophy of postmodernism".

In 2005 with framework of research school was defended the first doctoral dissertation.

From 1998 to 2009, under the direction of O. Bushmakina were defended 17 candidates and one doctoral thesis.

In September 2009 M.L. Deryabin successfully defended his PhD thesis (in Moscow).

Currently O.N. Bushmakina is the head of the Department of Philosophy of the Udmurt State University, Doctor of Philosophy, professor in the department of philosophy.

O.N. Bushmakina published about 170 scientific papers.

She participated in conferences of various ranks and levels - from the university to the international (more than 150).